1 docs – User Manuals, Help Guides and Specs – for the Samsung T19B300EW product are present in our data base.
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Телевизор Samsung T24E310EX не включается
Источник: bankofmanuals.com
Samsung T19B300EW 48.3 cm (19″) HD Black
The general trademark of a manufacturer by which the consumer knows its products. A manufacturer can have multiple brand names. Some manufacturers license their brand names to other producers.
Product name:
Product name is a brand’s identification of a product, often a model name, but not totally unique as it can include some product variants. Product name is a key part of the Icecat product title on a product data-sheet.
Product code:
The brand’s unique identifier for a product. Multiple product codes can be mapped to one mother product data-sheet if the specifications are identical. We map away wrong codes or sometimes logistic variants.
Show alternative article codes used in the online market place
Global Trade Identification Number (GTIN) includes European Article Number (EAN), Universal Product Code (UPC) and Japan Article Number (JAN). They are better known as the barcode on a product’s packaging to uniquely identify a product in a shop or logistic process. One product data-sheet can have multiple barcodes depending on logistical or product variants based on packaging, country, sizes, colors, etc.
Icecat Product ID: 18146524
Data-sheet quality: created/standardized by Icecat
The quality of the product data-sheet can be on several levels:
only logistic data imported: we have only basic data imported from a supplier, a data-sheet is not yet created by an editor.
created by Samsung: a data-sheet is imported from an official source from a manufacturer. But the data-sheet is not yet standardized by an Icecat editor.
created/standardized by Icecat: the data-sheet is created or standardized by an Icecat editor.
Product views: 174378
This statistic is based on the 97136 using ecommerce sites (eshops, distributors, comparison sites, ecommerce ASPs, purchase systems, etc) downloading this Icecat data-sheet. Only sponsoring brands are included in the free Open Icecat content distribution as used by 94642 free Open Icecat users.
Info modified on: 21 Oct 2022 10:32:10
The date of the most recent change of this product data-sheet in Icecat.
- — 48.3 cm (19″)
- — HD 1366 x 768 pixels 16:9
- — 250 cd/m² 5 ms 1000:1
- — DVB-C, DVB-T
Long product name Samsung T19B300EW 48.3 cm (19″) HD Black :
The short editorial description of Samsung T19B300EW 48.3 cm (19″) HD Black
18.5″ TN LED, 1366 x 768, 5 ms, 250 cd/m², Mega DCR, VGA, HDMI, USB, CI, Scart, 5 W x 2, DVB-T/C, 35 W
Samsung T19B300EW 48.3 cm (19″) HD Black:
The official marketing text of Samsung T19B300EW 48.3 cm (19″) HD Black as supplied by the manufacturer
The Samsung B300EW Monitor provides you with HDMI inputs for high-definition viewing, as well as others including DVI and DP. You can also access your favourite videos, photos and music on USB storage thanks to ConnectShare Movie. The monitor’s Mega Dynamic Contrast Ration means you’ll see it all with vivid colour and great clarity, too. And, with Dolby Digital Plus audio, high-quality viewing is complemented by outstanding sound.
Expand your experience with various inputs
Why not bring more than just your favourite films to life? Samsung’s LED Monitor 2HDMI with its wide range of inputs ensures that everything from gaming to chatting with friends online is easily achieved. The various inputs such as DP, 2HDMI and DVI, ensure that your monitor is more compatible and ready to handle all of your content.
Short summary description Samsung T19B300EW 48.3 cm (19″) HD Black:
This short summary of the Samsung T19B300EW 48.3 cm (19″) HD Black data-sheet is auto-generated and uses the product title and the first six key specs.
Samsung T19B300EW, 48.3 cm (19″), 1366 x 768 pixels, HD, DVB-C, DVB-T, Black
Long summary description Samsung T19B300EW 48.3 cm (19″) HD Black:
This is an auto-generated long summary of Samsung T19B300EW 48.3 cm (19″) HD Black based on the first three specs of the first five spec groups.
Samsung T19B300EW. Display diagonal: 48.3 cm (19″), Display resolution: 1366 x 768 pixels, HD type: HD, Display brightness: 250 cd/m², Response time: 5 ms, Contrast ratio (typical): 1000:1, Native aspect ratio: 16:9. Digital signal format system: DVB-C, DVB-T. Product colour: Black
Источник: icecat.biz
Блок питания для Samsung T19B300EW
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Источник: zstock.ru